Species - top days

This page is meant to illustrate the migration pattern for a given species. Information about both when and how concentrated the migration is, is shown. Some species have a very short and intense migration period past Falsterbo (see for instance honey buzzard), while others can be seen in numbers at almost any time (see grey heron as an example here). The number of top days and when they usually occurs illustrate this.

Select species

Top days

Month-day Number of times this day has been the top day for blue tit during a season
09-25 1
09-26 1
09-27 1
09-28 1
09-29 2
09-30 2
10-01 4
10-02 4
10-03 1
10-04 3
10-05 4
10-06 1
10-07 1
10-08 5
10-09 3
10-10 2
10-11 3
10-12 2
10-13 4
10-14 1
10-15 2
10-17 1
10-20 1
10-23 1
10-25 1
10-28 1