An important part of the work at the bird observatory is outreach. We offer face-to-face guiding in two formats.
The group guidings elaborated below is the largest offered both spring and autumn. I addition, during autumn week ends, we have free walk-in guidings.
A guiding lasts for about an hour and the following topics are included (adjusted to the age of participants).
Falsterbo peninsula - site orientation
Geographic situation, nature, concentration of migratory birds.
Birds and Bird Migration
How birds have developed and adapted from being Dinosaurs! How and why do birds migrate? Orientation, migration strategies, flight performance etc.
The Falsterbo Bird Observatory
The need and benefit of Bird Observatories. Examples of research results. Special attention is paid to monitoring and environmental surveillance. Population changes in migrants from the Nordic countries as well as in local breeding birds are registered at Falsterbo.
Ringing of recently trapped birds
Always included.
During ringing seasons (April-May and August-October) we guide groups (school children, birdwatchers and many others). These guidings take place at the Falsterbo Lighthouse.
Preferably, book via email kindly leave a telephone number and we call back if necessary.
Vi offer a small window for telephone bookings, on Mondays 8-12 (AM). Telephone: +46 (0)736-254 256
Click here to view the booking status
This our current price list
The guidning work is kindly supported by: