Foteviken och Fredsög

The land around Foteviken is extremely suitable for birds all year round, especially since winters are so mild these days. Typical breeding species on the meadows include Common Shelduck, Eurasian Oystercatcher, Pied Avocet, Ringed Plover, Northern Lapwing, Common Redshank, Sky Lark and Meadow Pipit. Less abundant are Gadwall, Dunlin (ssp. schinzii), Arctic Tern and Yellow Wagtail. Marsh Harrier, Water Rail, Bearded Tit and other reed-loving species breed in the large reedbeds near Bernstorp. Eskilstorps holmar holds colonies of Common Eider, Great Cormorant (up to 2006) and Herring Gull as well as the only breeding pair of Caspian Tern in the area.

Foteviken is probably also the foremost Swedish resting site for geese, ducks and waders. Especially in autumn, huge flocks of Greylag Goose, Eurasian Wigeon, Eurasian Teal, Northern Lapwing, Golden Plover and Dunlin are quite common. Passerines like larks, pipits and buntings are common on the coastal meadows, while Red-throated Pipit and Lapland Bunting are less frequent. Richard’s Pipit is rare but almost annual. Many swans, geese and ducks remain in the area for the winter as long as snow does not cover the food on the fields and there is open water in the bay. White-tailed Eagle and Peregrine Falcon are also regular winter guests, while Gyr Falcon is occasional.

The coast at Kämpinge and Fredshög consists of cultivated fields, grazed meadows and a couple of small woods. At Fredshög, there is a small spit formed by sand, gravel, stones and shells, with two long and narrow pools surrounded by reeds. The meadows beyond are well grazed by cattle. This area is well worth a visit all around the year. However, during summer it is sometimes too crowded to be productive from an ornithological standpoint.

How to get there

Lilla Hammars näs

At the roundabout just east of Höllviken, head north towards Lilla Hammar. Continue until the public road ends (sign reading “Här upphör allmän väg”) and park there. Proceed to Lilla Hammars näs on foot.

Inner Foteviken

From the roundabout east of Höllviken, drive 1.9 km north to Lilla Hammar farm. On its northern side is a track leading to the green hut at Foteviken, mentioned above. Unauthorized driving on the track is not allowed. Instead, try to park on the western side of the main road but be careful not to impede access.

Alternatively, start from the roundabout mentioned above and drive north towards Lilla Hammar. After exactly 1 km there is a small road to the right (east). Follow this for 300 metres to a 90° bend towards the south (at Videholm farm). Park here and walk down eastwards along a track to the reed areas and pastureland beyond.

To reach the eastern parts of Inner Foteviken from the Falsterbo direction, drive towards Vellinge on road 100. At the Kungstorp junction take the old road between Höllviken and Vellinge (signposted for Vellinge). After a few kilometres on this road there is an avenue of trees to the left leading to Bernstorp farm. Unauthorized driving on this road as well as the next one is prohibited. Instead, park appropriately a little bit ahead (but not on the main road) and walk back through the avenue past Bernstorp to the coastal meadows.

Vellinge ängar

Leave the E6 motorway between Malmö and Trelleborg at the exit to Vellinge. Drive through the village and continue on the old main road to Höllviken and Falsterbo towards Vellinge Väster. From Falsterbo, take road 100, exit at the Kungstorp junction and proceed towards Vellinge. Vellinge Väster is a few kilometres further on, and from here there are two ways to reach the meadows.

For the southern parts, follow the narrow gravel road from the bus stop just south of the Vellingeblomman garden centre down to the gate at the meadows. Beside a flag pole and a green hut there is a small parking area for no more than five vehicles. Alternative parking is at a small, red hut about 300 metres up the road.

For the northern parts, follow the road signposted Vellinge Väster for a few hundred meters. Where the road bends to the right, turn left onto a small gravel road. This leads straight down a small parking area (max. four cars) at a gate to the meadows.

Eskilstorps ängar

Leave the E6 motorway between Malmö and Trelleborg at the Vellinge exit. Head north on the old main road towards Tygelsjö. Just outside Vellinge, there is a road to the left signposted for Eskilstorps ängar. This is a long, straight gravel road that leads down to the meadows. At its end, there is a small parking area (max. five cars) by the large gate.

Gessie ängar och Janstorp

Exit the motorway E6 south of Malmö, either at Västra Klagstorp or at Vellinge. From Västra Klagstorp, drive south through Tygelsjö and turn west towards Gessie Villastad at Gessie. After approximately 2.5 km the road takes a 90° turn to the right towards Klagshamn. Here, turn left and follow a small gravel road down to the shore south-west of Gessie Villastad. Park here and walk north or south along the shore. There is also a small parking space just south of Gessiebäcken, on the road to Klagshamn.

From Vellinge, drive north on the old main road to Malmö in the direction of Tygelsjö. Turn west (left) towards Janstorp at the former sugar refinery in Hököpinge. A drive of about 3.5 km takes you to the meadows at Janstorp. The last part of the road is merely a track and has little room for parking and turning round.


From Trelleborg, follow the E6 motorway west out of the city and exit it at the road sign for Skanör and Falsterbo. Follow this road past Skåre and after a few kilometres you reach Fredshög. The pinewood at Kämpinge is a bit farther on.

From Falsterbo on road 100, turn right in Höllviken towards Kämpinge and Trelleborg. Drive through the built-up area and then you will see the pinewood on the right-hand side. The boathouses are a little farther on.

Be careful where you park because the road is quite busy at times. There is good car parking south-east of Kämpinge, where the road turns off from the coast, and at the boathouses south-east of Fredshög.

Karta över foteviken

Gå inte ut på ängarna under häckningstid (1 april-15 juli)!
Uppträd alltid varsamt. Var noga med att stänga grindar efter dig till hagar där det finns boskap. Ha alltid hunden i koppel.

Karta Gessie ängar och Eskilstorps ängar

Karta Fredshög