Observatory staff and guests share living space and mutual respect is expected. Please remember that staff has very odd (early) working hours, especially during "summertime", requiring a "lunch nap". Thus, approximately 11.00 to 15.00 should be considered quiet hours.
Booking (book well in advance, especially before the autumn season):
Kindly call late afternoon, or early evening, especially during the seasons (21th March-10th June and 21th July-10th November). Thanks!
Checkning in is between 17:00 and 21:00 or, if needed at other times, after prior agreement.
Bedsheets (not sleeping bag) och towel are expected to be brought. Bedsheets are available for renting (50 SEK/set).
Observatory street address: Sjögatan, Falsterbo
Price is 160 SEK/night and bed, for paying members of Skånes Ornitologiska Förening (SkOF) and 270 SEK/night and bed for others. If you want a single room you simply pay for two beds.
Cancellation has to be done, should plans change. Otherwise the booked lodging will have to be paid (160 SEK/night and bed).
For other lodging alternatives in the area kindly follow this link http://www.vellinge.se/uppleva-gora/turism/boende
How to get here
The red circle in the map above indicates the location of the birdobservatory.
If arriving by buss, kindly get off at the buss-stop "Norra Vånggatan", (stops are displayed in the buss). During daytime it is a pleasent walk through the Falsterbo park to the observatory (dotted blue line on the map).
If arriving by car, or by bus after nightfall, the same route can be used. Follow Östergatan until it ends. Here turn right and follow Kyrkogatan until reaching the square. Here you take an immediate left, (sign-posted Museum) and follow Sjögatan a couple of hundred meters. You pass Falsterbo Museum, to the left. Immediately after the museum, you will find an entrance to the parking place for a few newly built, posh, houses. Cross the parking place and follow the small road leading into the park. This road take you to the observatory building.