Total by year, 1983

Totals shown here are the original numbers recorded each year. No adjustments are made according to effort or others aspects are made here. Hence, the numbers are not, as reported here, suitable for long term trends.

Long term average does not include the most recent year, making it possible to compare this year with previous years. For long time trends adjusted figures are used, (more here - environmental monitoring).

Select year
Species Augusti September October November Sum Season average
Brent Goose-3 3383 0722116 62112 260
Barnacle Goose--402740981 883
Greylag Goose42161242204653 738
Bean Goose-298933151296
Greater White-fronted Goose--55101 658
Anser sp.-95188-28338
Anser/Branta sp.--100-10031
Mute Swan1112625693486575
Tundra Swan--451762215
Whooper Swan--33942209
Cygnus sp. --73108
Common Shelduck24113963389373
Northern Shoveler217013-104204
Eurasian Wigeon2325 0392 702498 0229 633
Northern Pintail6532011425011 116
Eurasian Teal35296016811 4811 119
Common Pochard-442416940
Tufted Duck412126128270439
Greater Scaup--652388179
Aythya sp.--22-2287
Common Eider3 95534 09949 7627 06094 87684 881
Velvet Scoter4671185194439
Common Scoter351 188141181 3827 983
Long-tailed Duck---1173
Common Goldeneye313283453752343
Red-breasted Merganser-2423882598891 858
Common Swift2 498195--2 6936 559
Common Cuckoo1---12
Eurasian Collared Dove214-739
Stock Pigeon37 0098 08426415 3609 028
Common Wood Pigeon-46 239160 9829 062216 283330 765
Great Crested Grebe-11-211
Eurasian Oystercatcher7660--136267
Pied Avocet1537--5259
European Golden Plover606234-156733
Grey Plover2988--117314
Northern Lapwing3654512721729607
Ringed Plover2413059-5551 075
Little Ringed Plover13--44
Eurasian Curlew58133276208
Bar-tailed Godwit349--43272
Ruddy Turnstone1018--2834
Red Knot37912755210525
Curlew Sandpiper49--1397
Dunlin1 1002 27341063 7894 962
Little Stint153--5485
Common Snipe22258309319250
Common Sandpiper18---1839
Green Sandpiper1---115
Common Redshank11828-1147170
Wood Sandpiper46--1098
Spotted Redshank1318--3164
Common Greenshank4126--67165
Great Skua---111
Arctic Skua1578-6642
Stercorarius sp.---112
Common Guillemot/Razorbill--35817375154
Black-legged Kittiwake--281011
Black-headed Gull3 0589991 2734515 7817 413
Little Gull-6133-139471
Mew Gull1441661392286774 006
Little Tern4310--5356
Caspian Tern6---612
Black Tern2214--3653
Comic tern4264202-8482 112
Red-/Blackthroated Diver-8415815257125
Yellow-billed Diver--1-11
Great Northern/Yellow-billed Diver--1-1-
Black Stork-1--11
Grey Heron25239562246
European Honey Buzzard1 3521 5642-2 9184 438
Greater Spotted Eagle-1--11
Steppe Eagle---11-
Golden Eagle---222
Eurasian Sparrowhawk8486 0966 22939413 56718 726
Northern Goshawk--7101724
Western Marsh Harrier80621-143614
Hen Harrier356399107224
Montagu's Harrier2---27
Red Kite71972351 479
White-tailed Eagle-143824
Rough-legged Buzzard-7423116321684
Common Buzzard822 7442 860755 76111 735
Falco sp.-35--3534
Short-eared Owl-21-33
Common Kestrel36125182181651
Eurasian Hobby222--2445
Gyr Falcon---11-
Peregrine Falcon-5--544
Great Grey Shrike--52718
Spotted Nutcracker-7--7111
Eurasian Jackdaw-4045 48296746 48941 361
Rook-1019 3792 05911 5396 073
Hooded Crow-106 5241 0887 6222 604
Blue Tit--180-18026 428
Great Tit--2-2796
Wood Lark-175377245761 454
Skylark-67767648981 983
Horned Lark--4-48
Sand Martin5 6562 967--8 6233 141
Barn Swallow5 92434 190478740 59924 516
House Martin9 0894 2341-13 3244 258
Long-tailed Tit--13122527
Common Starling3 22115 285106 85012 549137 905114 403
Mistle Thrush--1-1638
Redwing--15 840-15 8403 855
Fieldfare--6902008909 579
Northern Wheatear261-98
Eurasian Tree Sparrow--55-55256
Yellow Wagtail31 23730 3691-61 60737 863
Grey Wagtail17726-104205
White Wagtail41178515-1 2111 172
Tawny Pipit2012--3220
Richard's Pipit-1--12
Tree Pipit6 26416 9255-23 19424 945
Red-throated Pipit-191-2036
Meadow Pipit-4 1403 9731498 26210 974
Rock Pipit-202514638
Chaffinch/Brambling-285 767528 4643 505817 736800 655
Common Bullfinch---55908
European Greenfinch-1 32015 7644 37021 45431 488
Twite--7637861 5491 979
Common Linnet78 70817 8269026 63126 262
Redpoll--2-23 605
Crossbill sp.-2--2246
European Goldfinch-6303173266 747
European Serin-23-59
Eurasian Siskin-8778 3232 52111 72146 382
Lapland Longspur-42-611
Snow Bunting--17475129
Corn Bunting--1-1-
Ortolan Bunting1729--4620
Yellowhammer--1 4514861 9372 458
Reed Bunting-38272621 1101 765
Sum 77 531 522 677 1 004 029 48 234 1 652 471 1 860 411
Taxa 73 103 102 74 144 140