Support the bird observatory

Falsterbo bird observatory is a non-profit entity. The driving force is instead a curiosity to understand more about nature in general and of course more about birds in particular. Our economy is very tight. High level decision on cuts ar changed focus in terms of governmental nature conservation priorities may have a huge impact on our possibilities continuing our work. We need you support.

Different types of support

Your support reach the birds

In order to further support the work of the bird observatory over the long-term, we now have a "90 account".

A "90 account" is subject to certification via "The Swedish Fundraising Control" agency. They ensure through audits and reviews that funds raised are used in accordance with the stated intentions.

The conditions are stated as follows: "The organization [The ornitological society of Skåne] has received a 90 account for a part of their ongoing work related to bird research, bird protection and public awareness raising in the area of birds and birds migration, all under the umbrella of Falsterbo Bird Observatory. fågelforskning, fågelskydd samt undervisning om fåglar och fågelflyttning allt i regi av Falsterbo Fågelstation. Funds raised must be used for the stated purpose at the Bird observatory and a detailed annual report must be submitted to "The Swedish Fundraising Control".


Skånes Ornitologiska Förening (SkOF) is the account owner of the "90 account". Kindly, therefore put down Skånes Ornitologiska Förening (SkOF) as recipient when using the 90-accounts..